The world’s top brands choose Cusper to assemble self-owned Trading Desk in the Open Internet, Cusper helps brands to find the right strategy to invest and maximize the conversion rate and ROI.
Assemble a Trading Desk in the Open Internet

Can you invest in the Open Internet and cover most of the online traffic?
Besides invest in the big media channels, such as Facebook and Google, advertisers are trying to cover the open internet traffic as well, Cusper allows advertisers to publish in the Open Internet channels, such as CTV Ads, Video Ads, Native Ads, Mobile Ads, Display Ads etc.

Can you customize the traffic inventory based on your actual need?
Cusper let advertisers to customize their traffic inventory and form their highly customized DSP, at the same time reduce the cost of the traditional DSP services.
Can you maximize your marketing ROI using AI technology?
Cusper incorporates advanced Machine Learning Algorithm and proprietary bidding models to optimize advertisers’ online campaigns and maximize their marketing ROI. 50% of the Cusper team is formed by engineers.

Can you expand your targeting user base with 1st Party Data and 3rd Party Data?
Cusper let advertiser to expand their targeting user base with the 1st Party Data and 3rd Party DMP Data. With the advanced Look Like module integrated in the Cusper Audience Platform, advertisers could select users with tags easily.
Is your budget safe from advertisement fraud?
Cusper provides a comprehensive set of analysis reports by combining authorized 3rd Party partners and our precise fraud detection model. Fraud prevention will make sure you are investing in the right channels and therefore keeping your marketing ROI maximized.

The world’s top brands trust Cusper to assemble their self-owned Trading Desk in the Open Internet

Read to invest in the Open Internet?